PSA (Public Service Announcement)
PSA (Public Service Announcement)
PSA (Public Service Announcement) is an original painting featuring a striking depiction of a handbag by the Black owned brand Cise. The bag shows the message “Protect Black Women” The background features handwritten names of Black women and girls that we have lost in 2023-2024 to acts of violence.
When I first saw a picture of this handbag, I knew I wanted to do more than just paint a bag; I wanted to connect it with something more meaningful. The background of this painting is impactful. This piece serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of protecting and honoring Black women, making it a significant and meaningful addition to any collection. It is a heartfelt tribute to those who were not protected, honoring their memory and reminding us to continue the fight for justice. May they continue to rest in paradise. This bold and powerful artwork resonates with themes of cultural pride, strength, and honor.
- 11x14 inches
- Painted with acrylic paint and acrylic paint markers
- Hand Signed and Gloss Varnish applied
- NOT A PRINT - This is the original painting
- Sawtooth hanger included
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